Traveling in Europe
Published July 11th, 2005
Uhm. So, i realized I hadn’t mentioned my summer travel plans on my journal at all. I start tomorrow morning at about 10 am:
July 11: Spokane -> Seattle -> Amsterdam -> Rome (plane)
July 16: Rome -> Stuttgart, Germany (plane)
July 18-22: ApacheCon EU 2005, Stuttgart Germany.
July 23: Stuttgart -> Salzburg (train)
July 26: Salzburg -> Berlin (train)
July 29: Berlin -> Netherlands (train)
August 1: Netherlands -> Berlin (train)
August 3: Berlin -> Amsterdam -> Boston -> Minneapolis -> Spokane
This will be my first trip to europe, and my mother and youngest sister are also coming along for the ride. In Berlin we will meet up with Daria, one of our former exchange student. In the Netherlands, we will meet with Ava, another one of our former exchange students. I think this will be an awesome trip. I promise to post high resolution digital pictures along the way, assuming all the Hotels have Internet Access like they claim.
Written by Paul Querna, CTO @ ScaleFT. @pquerna